Dec. 2006- Southern University New Orleans-The Doley Foundation funded them with a full legal library of books to be used in their library that was devastated during Hurricane Katrina.
Prior to that, the Foundation submitted a check in the amount of $25,000.00 to the Texas Southern University for research reports that are comparable to Wall Street Analyst Reports on various oil and gas companies that are publicly traded in Texas, particularly in the Houston area and they have produced these reports and submitted them to financial institutions in the Texas area as well as the public pension funds for the state of Texas and their financial advisors in terms of recommendations on these stocks and they would substantially buy recommendations.
There is a similar type of program at Tulane University Stern Business School. Success rate has been tracked and exceeds Wall Street in their success rate, which we would like to emulate as well at our schools. We have been working with Texas Southern University and Lincoln University in getting their students into internship programs and this is extremely competitive because there are students across the country that is competing to work on Wall Street. We have submitted several names from those two universities because there is only one way to get to Wall Street standing up, that is with an internship.
Another commitment that has been made by the Foundation is the Barnes Foundation/Museum in Philadelphia, the control of which was turned over to Lincoln University. They are working with the Governor Rendell. The Barnes, although a museum, is really an educational institution first. We have committed $25,000.00 (that figure will most likely grow) for a Lecture Hall for the Lincoln University students at the new facility to be completed in late 2008 or 2009.
The Doley Foundation has also contracted with an African-American sculptor to design a sculptor dedicated to people of color that have worked and contributed to New Orleans and to Louisiana. Music, literature, culinary arts, etc. at St. Louis Cemetery No. 1.
The Doley Foundation has provided travel for the ten sisters of the Blessed Sacrament
to attend the canonization of Saint Katharine I. Drexel at the Vatican. They also would like the additional Native Americans that were educated by the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament to attend.
Mother Drexel was Canonizied on October 1st of the year 2000. She was also the second American born Saint.
Working with Harold Doley, Founder of Doley Foundation, through his work in the oil and gas industry, the Foundation asked Ambassador Doley to share his insight and knowlegde of offshore exploration and production. Ambassador Doley was a member of the Louisiana State Mineral Board and the Founding Director of the Minerals Management Service (MMS) at the U.S. Department of Interior, which regulated the Outer Continental Shelf. The following letter was provided.
Doley Foundation, working with a Thurgood Marshall College Fund member school, the University of the District of Columbia completed the following valuations for Sagarmatha Technologies Limited. This represented the largest valuation of any black company in the world.
Redwood_Valuation Summary Report
In keeping with the mission of the Foundation, combined with the impact that the NFL has in 34 major urban areas in America, the Foundation’s President, Courtney Booker III, met with the NFL to expand its community base. He led the delegation that met with the executives of the National Football League, which included representatives of National Newspaper Publishers Association and National Bankers Association.
The NFL serves as a national resource that strengthens our economy and helps define the American experience. As the NFL seeks to expand its revenues to $25 billion in revenues by 2027, it will be critical to develop the foundation that supports this goal. An essential element of building this infrastructure will involve engaging African-American communities in a variety of economically based programs in your club cities. This is particularly critical since 50% of this country’s African-Americans reside in the 32 club cities and approximately 70% of NFL players are African American.
The following manuscript gives the history of the Madam C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company, along with personal aspects of Madam’s life and the life of her daughter, Lelia Walker. This history is comprehensive and factual.
Doley Foundation was conceived at the Madam C.J. Walker Estate by the Doley Family. Over a quarter of a century, many events were held at the Estate where celebrities, artists, musicians, entertainers and sports stars visited. The Estate became renowned by having famous Master Chef Geddes Journet as a regular Sunday Chef-in-Residence.
Presently, the Doley Family is compiling recipes for a cookbook titled Dining at the Madam C.J. Walker Estate.
Over several years the Doley Family, in conjunction with the Doley Foundation, completed an Easement with the National Trust for Historic Preservation. This Easement, funded by the Doley Foundation, protects the Villa into perpetuity. This document, which is registered at the Office of the Westchester County Clerk, protects the Villa from any modifications, additions or amendments. Therefore, the Villa as it stands today is what visitors in subsequent generations will enjoy.
It will remain as the Doley’s preserved it — It cannot be modified or amended!
2017-03-28 Villa Lewaro Deed of Preservation and Conservation Easement